Credit cards are instantly processed...within seconds, your patrons will know that they have secured their tickets. All transactions are 128-bit encrypted secure and in strict compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) so you don't have to worry about the liability of managing your patron's credit card information.
You can offer real-time seating availability when patrons pick their seats online. Seat availability is updated in a split-second for anyone looking at the venue map - so if a seat is showing as available, and you click it, you can be guaranteed it's yours.
Patrons selects seats by clicking on any seat that is green. They may even see other patrons (or box office agents) selecting seats at the exact same time - those seats will appear gray. Real-time feedback makes selecting seats enjoyable and stress-free.
You can give your patrons the option of picking up tickets at will call, having them shipped, or they can print them at home as E-Tickets.